Wang Hui's "Mountain and River Changchun Mud and Gold Scroll"

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Wang Hui's

Auction Information

Product:Wang Hui's "Mountain and River Changchun Mud and Gold Scroll"


Starting Price:SGD:90,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:W:68cm L:178cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wang Hui, from Guilin, Guangxi, is a representative figure of the contemporary Li River landscape painting school in China, and also a leading figure in contemporary Chinese landscape painting. He is a Da Hong Pao painter, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Painting, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Chinese Academy of Art. He studied under He Haixia, a disciple of landscape tycoon Zhang Daqian, And since childhood, under the guidance of Master Yang Taiyang, the pioneer of the Lijiang School of Painting, he was able to combine the strengths of the two great masters and form his own profound foundation in traditional Chinese painting. Mud gold traditional Chinese painting is a traditional Chinese painting made of mud gold paper. Mud gold paper has a darker luster than ordinary rice paper and is decorated with a gold coating made of gold powder or metal powder on the surface. Many people nowadays are not familiar with what clay and gold paintings are. Including some art professionals engaged in painting. Today we will introduce its past and present lives. Mud gold painting, also known as mud gold paper painting, differs from the popular Chinese painting in that it is usually painted on rice paper or silk, while mud gold painting is painted on mud gold paper, which is made by using special techniques to stick gold foil and mud onto promotional paper. According to relevant data, the historical evolution process of Chinese clay and gold paper painting has been from gold powder, gold foil to heap gold, leaching powder to hook gold and dot gold, to clay and gold paper painting since the Han, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties. Ni Jin Jian Hua is an elegant art form that combines craftsmanship and traditional Chinese painting art, gradually evolving from these seven seemingly simple steps. With these seven simple steps, it has gone through a long history of over 1000 years in China. Due to its complex production process, high cost, and the need for careful drawing, it cannot be quickly produced and widely promoted. So, there are very few clay and gold works on the market, and very few people know about them. At present, the main works that have been passed down through the use of clay and gold techniques include Chen Chun's clay and gold paper painting "Shanshui Shuixian Tu Fan" in the Ming Dynasty, Dong Qichang's clay and gold paper painting "Shanzhuang Autumn Scenery Tu Fan", Chen Gua's clay and gold paper painting "Banana Ziwei Tu", Qiu Ying's cold and gold paper painting "Lotus Picking Tu Fan", Tang Yin's cold and gold paper painting "Ink Peony Tu Fan", and so on. In the Qing Dynasty, Ren Xun's clay paper painting "Flower and Bird Picture Fan", Ren Xiong's clay paper painting "100000 Illustrated Books", Ren Bonian's clay paper painting "Group Immortals Celebrating Birthday" during the Republic of China period, as well as Chen Peiqiu's clay paper painting "Youse Miaoxiang Picture Fan", "Autumn Mountain Picture Fan", and so on. During the Ming, Qing, and Republic of China periods, the collectors of clay and gold paintings were usually the royal aristocracy and privileged class. Compared to the light and monotonous style of ink painting, paintings painted using clay and gold painting techniques are bright, grand, and magnificent.