Vertical axis of the statue of Fu Baoshi and Li Taibai

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Vertical axis of the statue of Fu Baoshi and Li Taibai

Auction Information

Product:Vertical axis of the statue of Fu Baoshi and Li Taibai


Starting Price:SGD:1,080,000

Transaction Price:SGD:1,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Fu Baoshi (October 5, 1904 – September 29, 1965) was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi. His ancestral home was Zhangtang Village, Beigang Township, Xinyu (now Xinyu City), Jiangxi. His original name was Changsheng, his name was Zhongzhou, his courtesy name was Qingyuan, his scientific name was Ruilin, and he was the owner of Baoshi Studio. He is a modern Chinese painter, art historian, calligrapher, and art educator.