Huang Zhou's "The Pleasant Grassland"

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Huang Zhou's

Auction Information

Product:Huang Zhou's "The Pleasant Grassland"


Starting Price:SGD:2,420,000

Transaction Price:SGD:3,200,000

Specification:H:24.4cm W:29.8cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This painting "The Rejuvenating Grassland" was painted in 1981, depicting the traditional sports event of the Kyrgyz people in Xinjiang, known as "horse racing". In the picture, numerous characters and animals, including 117 women, 9 shepherds, and over 80 horses, are meticulously arranged and vividly portrayed by the artist. They are harmoniously and with inner tension reproduced on a huge canvas, creating a festive scene full of optimism, grandeur, and joy