Sha Menghai's Calligraphy

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Sha Menghai's Calligraphy

Auction Information

Product:Sha Menghai's Calligraphy


Starting Price:SGD:35,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:136.5cm W:69cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Sha Menghai (1900-1992), formerly known as Wenruo, with the courtesy name Menghai, was also known as Shihuang, Shacun, or Ximing. He was born in Shacun, Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province (now Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province). The literary giants of the 20th century. I have conducted in-depth research on language, history, archaeology, calligraphy, seal carving, and other related fields. Graduated from Zhejiang Provincial Fourth Normal School. Member of the Chinese Democratic Alliance, former professor of the Chinese Department at Zhejiang University, professor at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, president of Xiling Seal Engraving Society, president of Xiling Painting and Calligraphy Academy, honorary director of Zhejiang Provincial Museum, and vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Professor Chen Yulong from Peking University once commented, "Throughout the Chinese calligraphy world in the 20th century, those who truly emerged with profound calligraphy skills and were capable of reaching the pinnacle of the world were Kang Youwei, Yu Youren, Li Zhimin, Sha Menghai, and others."