Shoushan Tian Huangshi "Nine Dragons Playing with Beads" Button Seal

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Shoushan Tian Huangshi

Auction Information

Product:Shoushan Tian Huangshi "Nine Dragons Playing with Beads" Button Seal


Starting Price:SGD:8,360,000

Transaction Price:SGD:9,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Tianhuangshi is known as the "Emperor of Stones" and is produced in Shoushan Township, Fuzhou City. It is named after the yellow rice fields on both sides of the "Shoushan River". The formation of Tianhuangshi can be traced back to its cause, which is that the primary ore on the mountain is peeled off from the ore deposit by external forces and scattered onto the basic rock layer by the stream. It is then washed by the rolling water of the stream and covered by a layer of sandy soil. Over time, the ore is gradually colored by the influence of surrounding water, soil, temperature, pressure, various trace elements, and acidity, forming characteristics such as stone skin, carrot patterns, and red grids. The production area of Tianhuang is only in the upper, middle, and lower parts of the paddy fields along the Shoushan Creek, with very little yield and no mineral veins to be found. It can only be randomly excavated in the fields, and the chance of obtaining good stones is also very high. Therefore, literature often says that Tianhuang stone is "rootless and rough" and "traceable without veins.".