A set of 46 national general grain stamps

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A set of 46 national general grain stamps

Auction Information

Product:A set of 46 national general grain stamps


Starting Price:SGD:10,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The national grain coupons belong to the "chronological" collectibles and have long ceased to be issued and circulated. Most of the grain coupons held by residents have been worn out during long-term use, and the vast majority of the inventory of grain coupons have been destroyed by grain departments at all levels, so the current stock of grain coupons is not large. The collection of grain tickets has a broad public foundation in China. Grain coupons may seem ordinary, but in fact, they contain many profound connotations in politics, economy, history, culture, and art, accommodating knowledge in various fields such as painting, geography, folk customs, history, and measurement. From a historical perspective, the 1966 national grain ticket had the highest value and high collectible value. This grain ticket consists of 46 pieces, with rare samples and exquisite design and printing. It has high artistic appreciation value. After years of erosion, this non replicable cultural relic has become increasingly rare, and treasures have emerged, attracting the attention of collectors at home and abroad for a long time. With the popularity of the market, prices are also getting higher and higher!