Flowers bloom and prosper, with surplus every year and great fortune ahead

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Flowers bloom and prosper, with surplus every year and great fortune ahead

Auction Information

Product:Flowers bloom and prosper, with surplus every year and great fortune ahead


Starting Price:SGD:187,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:160cm W:60cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Blooming Flowers and Prosperity": "Blooming Flowers and Prosperity" refers to one of the traditional auspicious patterns in China, representing people's yearning for a happy and prosperous life, wealth, and nobility. "Years of Surplus": A picture of nine fish in a lotus flower, with nine red and black carp playing in the water. The picture is fresh and natural, harmonious and vivid. The picture of lotus and carp contains auspicious and beautiful meanings. The lotus emerges from the mud without staining, possessing a noble and elegant character of a gentleman. It symbolizes harmony and beauty, harmony and contentment. The lotus also becomes a lotus, with the intention of having more than enough for years to come; Carp, homophonic with "profit", has the meaning of gathering wealth and attracting wealth. Fish connect with "surplus" and have the meaning of having surplus year after year. The combination of lotus and carp has the meaning of harmony and beauty, with surplus year after year. "On the Head of Good Fortune": The entire embroidered mountain shaped composition is extremely ingenious, with the red sun symbolizing: "On the Head of Good Fortune"; The meaning of the waterfall is: abundant wealth; The meaning of the water pond is: "a treasure trove"; The entire work is full of auspicious luck, with wealth flowing like a vast waterfall, symbolizing endless vitality. The Hongyun Landscape Painting Collection integrates the Five Elements of Feng Shui and the Earth's Feng Shui pattern, attracting wealth and treasures, symbolizing auspiciousness and beauty