Shoushan Stone Study Room Five-piece Decoration Set

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Shoushan Stone Study Room Five-piece Decoration Set

Auction Information

Product:Shoushan Stone Study Room Five-piece Decoration Set


Starting Price:SGD:100,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Shoushan stone is one of the four major stones in China. Whether it is raw or carved, Shoushan stone can be observed, appreciated, approachable, and accessible. People can appreciate the graceful and varied colors, textures, and textures, as well as evaluate its carving techniques and artistic connotations. Especially the softness and warmth of Shoushan stones make people more willing to get close to them. If you play with a small handlebar, often holding a spirit stone, you can feel the warmth brought by the touch and play of the stone, making you realize the wonderful realm of harmony between stone nature and human nature. Highly loved and sought after by collectors, with extremely high collection value!