Paul Cezanne's "Open Space in the Woods"

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Paul Cezanne's "Open Space    in the Woods"

Auction Information

Product:Paul Cezanne's "Open Space in the Woods"


Starting Price:USD 24,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 41,688,500

Specification:100.3 x 81.2cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Fri

Auction Company:New York Sotheby


The 'Open Space in the Woods' has been preserved by the Toledo Museum of Art for over half a century. In the painting, Cezanne challenges the traditional concept of perspective and allows geometric color blocks to collide to create depth of field.
Western modern painters refer to him as the "father of modern art" and "father of form". He was the leader of the late Impressionism, whose style was between Impressionism and Cubism. His works laid the foundation for the transformation of the artistic concept of the 19th century to the artistic style of the 20th century, had a great impact on Henry Matisse and Pablo Picasso, and had an indelible impact on contemporary art.