William Dekkonen's Untitled 1979

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William Dekkonen's Untitled 1979

Auction Information

Product:William Dekkonen's Untitled 1979


Starting Price:USD 30,000,000-40,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 34,794,500

Specification:177.8 x 201.9 cm

Auction Time:23-Jul-Tue

Auction Company:New York Sotheby\'s


De Kunin: Time is Like a Picture | De Kunin Family Collection
Source: Artist
Inherit from there to the current owner
Exhibition: East Hampton, City Hall Museum, Commemorative of William de Cunning: Selected Paintings and Sculptures, June July 1994, No. 8, attached page, color illustrations.
Southampton, Parrish Art Museum, The Change of the Sea, September November 1998, No. 16, n.p., color illustration
New York, Goguxuan Gallery, Willem de Kooning: the last beginning, September October 2007, pages 41-43, color illustrations