Pablo Picasso as a Knee hugging Woman in 1954

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Pablo Picasso as a Knee hugging Woman in 1954

Auction Information

Product:Pablo Picasso as a Knee hugging Woman in 1954


Starting Price:HKD 150,000,000-230,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 191,651,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Sotheby


The Woman Holding Knees "is a wonderful portrait created by Picasso for his last wife, Jia Guilin. Since 1954, Jia Guilin has been involved in Picasso's creation and gradually became his only muse in his later years, achieving the grandest and longest theme series of an artist's life. The image of Jia Guilin first appeared in two works in June 1954; After settling down for several months, Picasso again created seven portraits of Jia Guilin in October of the same year, inspired by Jia Guilin. The style of painting is more sophisticated, and the emotional connotation is more intense. Five works, including this work and Jia Guilin in a Sitting Position (collected by the Picasso Museum in Museo Picasso Málaga), are all based on the side portraits with knees folded, which shows that the artist is particularly interested in this composition, The "Knee hugging Woman", created on October 14, 1954, is the last in its series and can be considered the ultimate presentation of this series.