David Hockney created thirty sunflowers in 1996

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David Hockney created thirty sunflowers in 1996

Auction Information

Product:David Hockney created thirty sunflowers in 1996


Starting Price:HKD 78,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 114,800,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Sotheby


Thirty Sunflowers "was created in 1996, when Hockney was almost sixty years old. It is an extraordinary masterpiece of great significance, showcasing the artist's unparalleled visual expression techniques, containing profound emotions that are deeply engraved on the bones. This brilliant work marks Hockney's return to painting from the ten years of photography and his dedication to the traditional category of Still life painting at the peak of his artistic attainments. At that time, he should have felt that he was finally ready and had enough qualifications to face the great masters of art history such as Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet, and Vermeer. Hockney had visited two exhibitions before he created this painting, both of which deeply influenced his creation path: one was the "Claude Monet (1840-1926)" exhibition at the Art Museum of Chicago, and the other was the Vermeer retrospective exhibition at the Mauritshuis in The Hague.
When he stepped out of the meeting, he was inexplicably excited and refreshed. Driven by a new round of enthusiasm, he picked up his paintbrush again and placed more emphasis on the texture and color control of the picture when creating. Thirty Sunflowers "is one of the two largest paintings in the floral still life series created by David Hockney in 1996. With its rich and vibrant colors, intricate composition, and profound significance of the subject matter, it highlights the uniqueness of the painting and can be called the ultimate classic in Hockney's works. Thirty Sunflowers "fell at an important fork in Hockney's legendary creative path and appeared on the cover of the 1997 exhibition" Flowers, Faces, and Space ", which was the largest exhibition he held in London since the 1988 Tate Retrospective.