Baschia's "Warrior" has become the highest priced Western artwork in Asian auction history with a transaction price of HKD 323600000/USD 41857351, marking a new chapter in history

 Auction recommendation     |      Network source    |    2023-06-03 14:42
Christie's 20th Century Art Night Auction sold a total of 198 million pounds/274 million US dollars; Banksy's' Innovator 'has been sold for £ 16758000 with remarkable attention; That night's auction broke six world auction records for artists, including Claire Tabouret, Joy Labinjo, and Issy Wood

On March 23rd, Christie's held three grand evening auctions of 20th century art and broadcast them live to global audiences. The total transaction value of these three auctions reached £ 198716619/$274825084/€ 230312562/HKD 1655333300. This evening auction is a highlight of Christie's 20th Century Art Spring Auction, witnessing collectors from around the world gather and participate in the exciting London auction through live streaming auctions in Hong Kong and New York.

Auctioneers Jussi Pylk ä nen and Arlene Blankers simultaneously accept telephone bids from customers in London, Hong Kong, and New York, as well as Christie's LIVE online bids.
Over 400000 viewers watched the evening auction live broadcast through Christie's website and social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and WeChat.
The total transaction amount of the evening auction of 20th century art reached £ 150290619, with a transaction rate of 96% and a transaction amount ratio of 100%. The night auction sales of surrealist art also reached £ 48426000.
This series of evening photography presents the masterpieces of Impressionism, modern, post-war and contemporary art giants. Baschia's masterpiece Warrior, which was created in 1982, was the first to make the first shot for evening photography in Hong Kong.
Jean Michel Baschia (1960-1988), "The Warrior," written in 1982.
Acrylic oil painting stick painted wooden board.
72 x 48 inches (183 x 122 centimeters).
This work was sold on March 23, 2021 in Christie's Hong Kong
Transaction price of HKD 323600000
This painting depicts a full body portrait of a man, who occupies the entire scene. It is the soldier mentioned in the title, with his right sword unsheathed and ready to attack. The painting is one of Baschia's most exquisite and magnificent masterpieces, dating back to 1982, when the artist believed he had "created his best painting". The work sold at a high price of HKD 323600000/USD 41857351, becoming the highest priced Western art in Asian auction history.

Banksy, "The Innovator," written in 2020
Oil paint canvas. 35 7/8 x 35 7/8 inches (91 x 91 cm)
This work was sold on March 23, 2021 in Christie's London
Transaction price £ 16758000

The second highest priced work in the late auction was Banksy's "Innovator", which sold for much more than the pre auction high estimate of £ 3500000 and ultimately sold for £ 16758000. The auction proceeds of this over £ 16 million artwork will be donated to the staff and patients of the University of Southampton Hospital to support their health and well-being. It will also benefit multiple health and charitable organizations in the UK to improve the care and treatment services provided by the National Health Service.
In this one meter square hand-painted artwork, a boy wearing braces and pants can be seen, ignoring the Batman and Superman toys around him. However, he has a special liking for the nurse doll wearing a mask, uniform, and cape shoulder to shoulder. The only color on the screen is the Red Cross emblem on the nurse's chest.
The novel "The Innovator" was settled in the Uptown Hospital in southern England in May 2020, to thank the medical workers who selflessly contributed to the first wave of COVID-19 epidemic. Banksy has been planning to use the auction proceeds of this gift to raise funds for the UK National Health Service; A copy of this work will be left at the hospital for future patients, visitors, and employees to appreciate.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), "Lying Naked Woman with Necklace (Mary Tres)", written in 1932
Oil paint canvas. 16 x 16 inches (40.6 x 40.6 cm)
This work was sold on March 23, 2021 in Christie's London
The transaction price is £ 14582000
Picasso's masterpiece "Lying Naked Woman with Necklace (Mary Tres)" (1932) followed suit and made a high-profile sale for £ 14582500. In the evening, two portraits of Picasso were presented, depicting his young lover Mary Theres Walter. Keith Gill, co director of Christie's 20th Century Art Evening Auction, said, "This artwork is a highly personal portrait depicting his love for his lover and his relationship with art
Another portrait painting, 'The Woman Sitting in an Armchair (Jacqueline)', was painted 30 years later in 1962 and sold for £ 9659000. The woman in the painting has a pair of almond eyes and dark hair, and it is evident at a glance that she is Picasso's second wife Jacqueline.
Jean Foutrier's Trap, written in 1946, was sold at a high price of 4522500, more than three times the high valuation before auction, breaking the world auction record for artists.

Claire Tebley (born in 1981), 'The Last Day', written in 2016
Acrylic Canvas. 90 3/8 x 129 7/8 inches (230 x 230 cm)
This work was sold on March 23, 2021 in Christie's London
Transaction price £ 622500

Amedeo Modigliani's 1916 "Portrait of Photographer Dilevsky" sparked fierce bidding among collectors, and ultimately sold for a high price of £ 4402500; The lively and dreamy landscape masterpiece by self-taught artist Matthew Wong (created in 2017) sold for a high price of 2722500 pounds. The Untitled by Gerhard Richter was sold at a price of 2242500 pounds after enthusiastic bidding by many international collectors, setting a new world auction record for artists' works on paper.
Other noteworthy auction achievements include Roy Lichtenstein's "Cup and Plate II", a rare work among renowned bronze still life sculptures by artists, sold for £ 1126500, almost three times the low valuation before the auction. Amoako Boafo's 2016 "Self Portrait" sold for £ 550000, nearly seven times the high valuation before the auction; And Alighiero Boetti's "Imagination of Everything" (1976 1977) was collected by private collectors for over 20 years, with a high valuation of over £ 180000 in late shooting, and ultimately sold for £ 300000.
The auction also set a new world auction record for several new contemporary artists, including Claire Tebley, whose Last Day (2016) had a high pre auction valuation of more than 200000 pounds, and was sold at a high price of 622500 pounds. Issie Wood's 2019 "Armor (Nonlinear, Non violent)" sold for £ 250000, more than twice the pre auction low valuation; And Joey Rabinjo's' No Problem 'achieved a record of £ 150000, more than three times the high valuation.
Joan Miró (1893-1983), Painting, 1925
Oil paint canvas. 57 1/2 x 45 inches (146 x 114.3 cm)
This work was sold on March 23, 2021 in Christie's London
Transaction price £ 10231500
The highest price in the evening auction of surrealist art was Joan Mir ó's Painting, which was one of the "dream" innovative works of the artist in 1925 and sold at a high price of 10231500 pounds. This painting is from the collection of renowned 20th century surrealist art collector Claude Hersaint and has participated in multiple artist retrospective exhibitions, including those held at the Grand Palace in Paris from 2018 to 2019.
The other picture, Max Ernst's Cage, Forest and the Black Sun, is from the collection of Hesant, and the transaction price is 3082500 pounds; Ren é Magritte's "Harvest Season" (1959) is one of the most magnificent and exquisite works of the artist's iconic depiction of a man wearing a bowler hat. This work was sold at a high price of £ 10002500 and was one of the six Margaret works in the auction that night.
Other remarkable achievements that cannot be ignored include Renee Magritte's "The Tide" (1946), a brightly colored gouache painting that sold for £ 1942500, more than twice the high valuation before the auction; Francis Picabia's important early painting 'Star Dancer' was sold for a high price of £ 1246500.
Hannah H ö ch's "Mountain" (1939) also sparked a fierce bidding among collectors, with a transaction worth £ 500000 that exceeded the pre auction high valuation by twice; Man Ray's pen and ink painting Mouth Dropping Woman, which was painted in 1937, also exceeded the pre auction high valuation of 35000 pounds and was finally sold at a high price of 137500 pounds.
The 20th Century Art Series daytime auction and online auction (as of March 31) will launch a rich and diverse collection of 20th century prints, oil paintings, sculptures, and paper works.