Xiao He Chases Han Xin's Plum Bottle Under the Moon

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Xiao He Chases Han Xin's Plum Bottle Under the Moon

Auction Information

Product:Xiao He Chases Han Xin's Plum Bottle Under the Moon


Starting Price:AED:8,440,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:C:5.3cm H:56cm B:13.5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The vase is well-preserved, tall and beautiful in shape, with a rare classical theme, smooth and smooth decorative lines, pure blue and white color, and rich sense of atmosphere, grandeur, spirit and artistic originality, in addition to the powerful brushwork of rubbing and painting porcelain, the painting is exquisite and has the beauty of painting, radiating the luster of a beautiful article. It is based on the stories of historical figures in blue and white, and the characters are full of personality, pine, bamboo, plum, plantain, rocks for the background, vivid image. This period of painting technology will blue and white porcelain art to the peak, for the future prosperity of blue and white porcelain and set the foundation for a long time.