Ni Sichong Half Circle Commemorative Medal in the Ninth Year of the Republic of China

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Ni Sichong Half Circle Commemorative Medal in the Ninth Year of the Republic of China

Auction Information

Product:Ni Sichong Half Circle Commemorative Medal in the Ninth Year of the Republic of China


Starting Price:AED:920,000

Transaction Price:AED:950,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Pentagram. Rare, shiny steel, with multicolored coating spread on the reverse side. The portrait and other details are crisp and clear. A slight scuff mark causes it to miss the top score, but the overall quality is superior, the successful collector will not be disappointed. A perfect opportunity to add Ni Sichong, an Anhui warlord, to the collection