In the 25th year of the Guangxu reign, the Fengtian Machinery Bureau made five jiao silver coins

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In the 25th year of the Guangxu reign, the Fengtian Machinery Bureau made five jiao silver coins

Auction Information

Product:In the 25th year of the Guangxu reign, the Fengtian Machinery Bureau made five jiao silver coins


Starting Price:AED:320,000

Transaction Price:AED:450,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


In the twenty-five th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Fengtian Machinery Bureau made silver coins. Twenty-four twenty-five, year-over-year mix. A very rare and interesting version. The Chinese word for dragon noodles is “Twenty-five” and the Chinese word for Manchu is “Twenty-four”. Dark paste, showing a strong cobalt blue wine red tone. Leaving very few marks, dragon face center can be seen some die. The bottom light sparkles and is very attractive.