Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Lion Button Seal (One Pair)

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Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Lion Button Seal (One Pair)

Auction Information

Product:Changhua Chicken Blood Stone Lion Button Seal (One Pair)


Starting Price:QAR:4,980,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:5.8×6×15.5cm/6×6×15.5cm WT:927g/958.4g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Changhua Dahongpao Chicken Blood Stone will bring good luck, which can be hidden by the people and used to revitalize the family and ward off evil; The emperor hides it, which can stabilize the country and ensure its security. For thousands of years, the Changhua Dahongpao Chicken Blood Stone has been cherished and collected by literati, wealthy merchants, high-ranking officials, and even emperors, generals, and ministers. Chicken blood stone has become an important part of the splendid culture of the Chinese nation, adding a bright red color to the material and spiritual wealth of the world. This group of Changhua Dahongpao Chicken Blood Stone Lion Button Seals weighs 1885g. Using Changhua Dahongpao Chicken Blood Stone as the raw material, the texture is delicate and condensed, with a high blood content. It is as smooth as cream, has a pleasing luster, a bright red color, and deeply penetrates the stone. The layers are clear, and it seems to spray out thinly, beautiful and clear. The carved lion button is lifelike and majestic, with every detail visible. The printing style is grand, and the printing is elegant and exquisite. Given the scarcity of chicken blood stone resources, it is rare to have such an exquisite Changhua Dahongpao chicken blood stone lion button seal.