Chen Mingyuan stump purple clay pot

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Chen Mingyuan stump purple clay pot

Auction Information

Product:Chen Mingyuan stump purple clay pot


Starting Price:QAR:2,500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:16cm L:23cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Chen Mingyuan, letter Mingyuan, name Hefeng, also known as Shixiashan people, Huyin, Qing Dynasty Kangxi Yixing purple sand artists, born in Shunzhi Wuzi (1648) August 17, Yongzheng Jiayin (1734) in October died, 86 years old, the end of life. Chen Mingyuan is the most outstanding purple sand artistes after Dabin, said Chen Mingyuan was born purple sand family is not too much, recorded its ancestors Chen use Qing for the end of the purple sand pot art representatives, its brother Qi Xiang, word Ming Gao, cousin Zhen Ji, word Ming Qian is also a famous pot maker. In the history of purple sand art, Chen Mingyuan is considered to be the most comprehensive master of skills, such as ancient books, POTS and cups, like Shengwen, etc., omnipotent and omnipotent. He inherited the essence of the Ming Dynasty, inherited the orthodox status of the purple sand of Quan Chun and Shi Dabin, and started the new bureau of the Qing Dynasty, with far-reaching influence. His artistic achievements have actually exceeded the level of pot art, and become a new model of purple sand art, establishing its immortal status in the purple sand art garden. Now let's enjoy a fine purple clay ancient ware made by Master Chen Mingyuan. 此件紫砂壶是一件仿生之作,其造型古朴,壶身,流,把,盖皆做桃树枝节,平口,作浅圈足。整件松段壶泥塑工艺精美,层层迭迭,将古松苍老之外皮塑造的分外肖似。壶钮更是巧取灵芝一朵,匍匐贴合于盖子中间,旁边是两个逼真的寿桃,巧夺天工。灵猴跪于桃树枝上,寓意灵猴献寿,猴是封侯,升官之意。如意也是灵芝为保身延年,吉祥如意,寿桃寓意寿桃,三者合一,寓意洪福齐天,福至心灵,天从人愿。壶底诗词“客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红”及落款“鸣远”,极具收藏价值。 This purple clay pot is a bionic work, its shape is simple, the pot body, flow, handle, cover are made of peach tree branches, flat mouth, shallow circle foot. The whole piece of loose pot clay sculpture technology is exquisite, layer upon layer, and the ancient pine outer skin is shaped especially like. Pot button is clever to take a ganoderma lucidum, crawling in the middle of the lid, next to two lifelike longevity peaches, ingenious. The spirit monkey kneels on the peach tree branch, which means the spirit monkey offers longevity, and the monkey is the meaning of the marquis and promotion. Ruyi is also ganoderma lucidum for life extension, good luck, longevity peach meaning longevity peach, three in one, meaning Hongfu Qi day, fortune heart, day from people wish. The poem at the bottom of the pot "Guests come to tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling fire at the beginning of red" and the signing "Mingyuan" are of great collection value.