Bahrain Chicken Blood Stone Seal (One)

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Bahrain Chicken Blood Stone Seal (One)

Auction Information

Product:Bahrain Chicken Blood Stone Seal (One)


Starting Price:QAR:390,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 400,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The imperial treasure of Emperor Kangxi, the sandalwood exotic beast button seal, has a printing surface of 10.15 centimeters square, a height of 11 centimeters, and a printing platform height of 4.2 centimeters. The printing text is the four characters "Respect Heaven and Diligent People" in the nine layered seal script. But what makes this jade seal unique? In the usual impression, the button of the emperor's jade seal is either a dragon, a chi, or a warding off evil, in short, it is a majestic divine beast. However, the image of this jade seal is like that of a dragon, a golden toad, and nothing else. After all, when people see this jade seal, their reflection is "nothing, but nothing."