Extraterrestrial Visitors - Czech Meteorite

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Extraterrestrial Visitors - Czech Meteorite

Auction Information

Product:Extraterrestrial Visitors - Czech Meteorite


Starting Price:QAR:990,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This collection of Czech "stones" has extremely strong energy, which can provide energy, remove fatigue, and have the function of removing patient's disease qi and strengthening immunity. In addition, due to the fact that Czech meteorites correspond to heart chakras, they can enhance people's confidence and joy. Czech meteorites also have the power to awaken various gemstones, and when paired with other crystals, the effect will be doubled. The activation, demagnetization, and even energy enhancement of gemstones are unique magnetic field effects of Czech meteorites, which are rare and precious meteorites with great potential for appreciation.