Arizona Glass Meteorite (Zhiya Star)

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Arizona Glass Meteorite (Zhiya Star)

Auction Information

Product:Arizona Glass Meteorite (Zhiya Star)


Starting Price:QAR:590,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This meteorite comes from Arizona, United States. Arizona glass meteorites are defined as those originating from the planet Zhiya. The surface presents a metallic luster, with translucency and opacity or translucency. The color is mainly red brown and pink gray, which is relatively variable and belongs to the Lingxin meteorite. Only by fully accepting from within can one feel a stronger sense of energy. Western spiritualists believe that the Arizona glass meteorite originated from Sirius, as it provided guidance to psychics (possibly with advanced soul guidance from Sirius). So they expect it to come from Sirius. However, there is another belief that the Arizona glass meteorite originated from the Orion Belt, a three-star galaxy, and a planet called (Zhiya Star). Five million years ago, a planet A orbiting Sirius exploded due to the impact of a galactic superpolar wave. Planetary fragments scattered in all directions, some of which arrived on Earth after a long journey in interstellar space. Arizona glass meteorites are also pure holy light, and no one can misuse their energy. It can enhance the inner guidance of the holder. It should be noted that it has a strong expanding effect, like a magnifying glass, allowing the holder to see their inner world clearly. Once the holder improves their mental quality, they are better prepared to practice their life mission. The Arizona glass meteorite is a pure gift from space. Non meteorite impact fusion material. This type of meteorite only appears somewhere in Arizona and is very rare. Arizona glass meteorites have extremely high vibration frequencies, and their main expertise in spirituality is to enhance their elegant temperament and aura. This is the unique spirituality of the Arizona glass meteorite, which has not yet been found in other meteorites. 1. Achieving one's dreams accelerates the realization of one's desires, 2. Awakening spirituality, accelerating spiritual awakening and growth, 3. Enhance wisdom, elevate elegant temperament and elegant aura in the seven fields, 4. Healing the soul, unblocking the meridians throughout the body, 5. Enrich dreams, clarify dreams, and revisit dreams. The discoverer of meteorites slept under their pillow and often dreamed of ancient creatures and gods.

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