Squirrel grape pile pot

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Squirrel grape pile pot

Auction Information

Product:Squirrel grape pile pot


Starting Price:QAR:900,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 950,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This precious vessel is a flower pot art masterpiece created based on the theme of the author's squirrel grapes. The body of the pot is shaped like a tree stump, with mottled nodules and a standing posture. It is rough and finely carved. The pot is coiled around grape branches, with squirrels and hidden dew, playing among the vines. The vines are winding and vigorous, with uneven and wrinkled leaves and clear veins. The three curved mouths and the winding vines echo each other, and the muscles and veins stretch through the air. The lid is tightly fitted with a set of grape branches and leaves, creating a vivid and vivid image. The pot body pursues artistic meaning, combining virtual and real elements, with branches, leaves, grapes, and squirrels intertwined and echoing. The entire pot is made of pure purple clay, symbolizing the auspicious meaning of "auspicious purple qi". Overall, although the decoration of the pot body is complex, it is not scattered. The picture shows squirrels playing among the vines, coveting delicious grapes, making people feel an auspicious, festive, and fun relaxed and joyful state.