Statue of Marbamira Riba Buddha

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Statue of Marbamira Riba Buddha

Auction Information

Product:Statue of Marbamira Riba Buddha


Starting Price:QAR:700,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:21.5cm WT:4kg

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Milarepa (1040-1123) was a famous Tibetan Buddhist monk and great achiever, as well as the second generation founder of the Kagyu sect. Mira's way of preaching is unusual, using a singing form. He has a famous collection of Dao Love Songs that has been passed down. This song collection contains all Buddhist content, but it is very distinctive. The use of metaphors, exaggeration, and other techniques in describing characters and natural objects has had a significant impact on Tibetan poetry in later generations. Therefore, he is also praised as the founder of religious poetry and landscape poetry in Xizang. Milarepa's preaching method is highly welcomed by the Tibetan people, and his ascetic spirit is also revered by various Tibetan sects. Mira is an old birthday star who lived to be 84 years old.