Myanmar Longevity Buddha

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Myanmar Longevity Buddha

Auction Information

Product:Myanmar Longevity Buddha


Starting Price:QAR:500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:30cm W:16cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Longevity Buddha Dharma, also known as the Longevity Centenary Dharma, is diligently practiced. This Dharma can prolong life, increase blessings, wisdom, and nourishment, as well as destroy the ten evil, four fold, and five nihilistic sins in the body that are not temporal and horizontal. All sins and obstacles are eliminated. Practicing the Longevity Buddha can eliminate diseases and prolong life. Good karma and good karma can increase the duration of evil karma and evil karma, and shorten the duration of the Dharma in the world. Many people in Kangzang who hope for longevity and longevity will participate in the Dharma meetings of the Longevity Buddha to seek the blessings of longevity and health