Yellow Agate Beads

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Yellow Agate Beads

Auction Information

Product:Yellow Agate Beads


Starting Price:QAR:32,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Yellow agate is a gemstone with an ancient history, strong cultural heritage, and beautiful appearance. It is a type of chalcedony mineral, often a striped block mixed with opal and cryptocrystalline quartz, with a hardness of 6.5-7 degrees, a specific gravity of 2.65, and a fairly layered color. Having translucency or opacity. The original form is a cubic crystal system. It often forms various structures in a dense block shape, such as breast shaped, grape shaped, tuberculosis shaped, etc. The common ones are concentric circular structures. Jadeite with different colors usually includes various colors such as green, red, yellow, brown, and white. According to patterns and impurities, it can be divided into onyx, wrapped silk agate, moss agate, castle agate, etc. Commonly used as a plaything, ornamental object, ornament, or ornamental object. Strings of agate balls are often seen in ancient burial objects.