Qianqing Palace Collection of Chaozhu

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Qianqing Palace Collection of Chaozhu

Auction Information

Product:Qianqing Palace Collection of Chaozhu


Starting Price:QAR:19,800,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Chaozhu is a string of beads worn on Qing Dynasty court uniforms, shaped like a prayer bead hanging on a monk's chest. Court officials, including those of the fifth rank in civil service and those of the fourth rank or above in military service, are allowed to wear court uniforms only when they, along with their wives, children, and officials of the Military Affairs Department, Guards, Ministry of Rites, Guozijian, Dachang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Honglu Temple, etc. It is one of the symbols that display identity and status, and ordinary people are not allowed to wear it at any time.