Zhao Zhiqian engraved the "Tianhuang Landscape Character Seal"

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Zhao Zhiqian engraved the

Auction Information

Product:Zhao Zhiqian engraved the "Tianhuang Landscape Character Seal"


Starting Price:QAR:49,900

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


As a renowned seal engraver during the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Zhiqian's engraving technique should be very exquisite. His precise knife technique and rich creativity make his Tianhuang seal unique and charming. Unique Design: He may have showcased his unique aesthetic perspective in the design of the Tianhuang seal, using specific patterns, texts, or symbols to highlight the beauty and preciousness of Tianhuang jade. Elegant style: Zhao Zhiqian's works are known for their clear, elegant, and concise style, which may also be reflected in his carved Tianhuang seals, making them more literary and tasteful. Zhao Zhiqian's Tianhuang seal is often sought after by collectors and art collectors due to its rare material, superb craftsmanship, and unique design.