Spherical crystal watch made by OMEGA in 1882

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Spherical crystal watch made by OMEGA in 1882

Auction Information

Product:Spherical crystal watch made by OMEGA in 1882


Starting Price:QAR:1,840,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Omega 1882 pocket watch is spherical in shape, with spherical crystals on both the front and back. The timing knob is adorned with a deep blue gemstone. The front dial has the words "OMEGA, Switzerland made 1882". The back movement has the words "17ZCQ". The front and back sides of the Omega pocket watch are half broken and set with a crystal ball, which is very transparent and crystal clear. The gear movement inside can be seen on the back of the Omega pocket watch, which is clear at a glance. The case is made of copper, and a lifting ring is fixed to the waist of both sides of the watch, with a small copper bell hanging below, which is quite exquisite and beautiful.