Tang Dynasty Sea Beast Grape Pattern Mirror

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Tang Dynasty Sea Beast Grape Pattern Mirror

Auction Information

Product:Tang Dynasty Sea Beast Grape Pattern Mirror


Starting Price:QAR:1,830,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 2,000,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Tang Dynasty bronze mirror was the third peak in the history of ancient Chinese bronze mirrors. The appearance of the sea beast grape mirror at this time reflects this peak period, the heyday of the development of copper mirror casting technology. The emergence of the Sea Beast Grape Mirror is a concrete practice of high relief art in a creative art form using copper mirrors as carriers. The beauty it brings to people is groundbreaking. The shape of the Lucky Beast Grape is a highly popular bronze mirror decoration in the mid Tang Dynasty. This elaborate and colorful decorative style fully reflects the prosperity and integration of multiple ethnic cultures during the prosperous Tang Dynasty.