Black bluestone

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Black bluestone

Auction Information

Product:Black bluestone


Starting Price:QAR:539,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Black bluestone, also known as obsidian, is an igneous rock with a dark black or dark gray color. Its name comes from the Greek word "obsidian", meaning "Glutinous rice cakes", because the surface of this rock is smooth and glassy. Black bluestone is mainly composed of silicate minerals, with the most important being sodium aluminum silicate. Formation process: Black bluestone is formed by volcanic eruption or rapid cooling of basalt lava. Its rapid cooling process prevents the formation of crystals, so lapis lazuli is usually amorphous and exhibits a glassy appearance. Physical properties: Black bluestone has a glassy luster, usually appearing dark black, but can also be dark gray, brown, or green. It has a smooth texture and is often used to make decorations, swords, and handicrafts. Utilization: Black bluestone was widely used in ancient times to make swords, arrows, and other sharp tools because it can be ground very sharply. In modern society, it is mainly used for decoration, jewelry, and art production. Due to its dark color and luster, it is often used as a material in carving and sculpture. Overall, black bluestone is a unique igneous rock that is highly valued for its appearance and cultural significance. It has a wide range of applications in the fields of decoration and handicrafts, while also having historical and cultural value.