Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Tianqing Glaze Three legged Washing

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Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Tianqing Glaze Three legged Washing

Auction Information

Product:Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Tianqing Glaze Three legged Washing


Starting Price:GBP:3,500,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:C:18.8cm H:4.3cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The vessel has an open mouth, a straight wall, a shallow belly, and a round mouth. The mouth and feet are tilted outward, and the bottom is supported by three legs. There are string patterns and bulges below the edge of the mouth, with a fragrant gray body color and a sky blue glaze color. The open pieces are broken like cicada wings, and the bottom five nails appear concave like sesame seeds. The mouth and three legs of the glaze appear gray white, and the bubbles are sealed inside the glaze, sparse and bright, with varying sizes. When agate enters the glaze, the color changes with light, and colorful clam light can be seen, like a clean and distant place where clouds break after rain. This vessel has an ancient and elegant shape, with a warm and smooth glaze like jade, resembling jade, not jade, but surpassing jade. The shape of this vessel is well preserved, and it has extremely high collection value and ornamental value, making it a rare treasure.