Qing Qianlong Palace Powder, Alum Red, Gold Painted, Western Colored, Blooming Flowers and Fruits, Blessing and Longevity Pattern Double Dragon Ear Wall Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Palace Powder, Alum Red, Gold Painted, Western Colored, Blooming Flowers and Fruits, Blessing and Longevity Pattern Double Dragon Ear Wall Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Palace Powder, Alum Red, Gold Painted, Western Colored, Blooming Flowers and Fruits, Blessing and Longevity Pattern Double Dragon Ear Wall Bottle


Starting Price:GBP:170,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 350,000


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Flat bottle style, with a slanted mouth and a long neck. The shoulder and neck are decorated with golden red chira ears, a square belly, tied with shins, and several shaped seats. The seat is supported by six legs, and the inside of the feet is made of gold colored seal script from the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty. The back wall is flat and there are grooves for easy hanging. The inner turquoise green glaze is painted with gold along the outer edge, and the body of the vessel is decorated with palace powder and foreign colored flower patterns, banana leaf patterns, bat patterns, etc. The abdomen is illuminated with flower and fruit patterns, with lush flowers and leaves, full petals, and two pomegranates adorned on the branches. The brushstrokes are delicate, creating a summer atmosphere. The layout of the overall decoration is dense, with bright and colorful materials, which is extremely decorative.