Qing Kangxi enamel glazed flower patterned bowl

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Qing Kangxi enamel glazed flower patterned bowl

Auction Information

Product:Qing Kangxi enamel glazed flower patterned bowl


Starting Price:GBP:2,000,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 3,000,000


Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The red material style in "Kangxi Imperial Works" indicates that the vessel has an elegant and upright shape, dense and delicate texture, and is a masterpiece of Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln. It is as white and beautiful as snow. Trekking to the capital, adding enamel to the palace, the outer wall is astringent, thick and colorful, even, clean and transparent. Wearing pink as the ground, Yong Xu blushes. Draw plum blossoms on all sides, lightly brushed with blue, and painted with fragrance inside, just like leaning against a window to observe the clear sky, with blue clouds reflecting the dense flowers.