A pair of flower vases in the shape of gourds with intertwined lotus and Sanskrit decorations, made in the year of Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty

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A pair of flower vases in the shape of gourds with intertwined lotus and Sanskrit decorations, made in the year of Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:A pair of flower vases in the shape of gourds with intertwined lotus and Sanskrit decorations, made in the year of Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty


Starting Price:1,660,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:45.5cm C:7.5cm d:16cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


该瓶造型规整独特,釉色温润,纹饰典雅,线条流畅,青花色彩青翠浓郁,清新雅致。缠枝莲纹是中国传统纹饰之一,寓意连绵不断、生生不息,与葫芦瓶的寓意相结合,更增添了吉祥和美好的寓意,梵文作为佛教文化的象征,出现在porcelain上,不仅增加了porcelain的文化内涵,也反映了当时佛教文化的盛行和中外文化的交流。具有极高的收藏和研究价值。The vase has a regular and unique shape, with a warm glaze color, elegant decoration, smooth lines, and rich green and white colors, fresh and elegant. The entwined lotus pattern is one of the traditional Chinese decorative patterns, symbolizing continuity and endless life. When combined with the meaning of the gourd bottle, it adds auspicious and beautiful meanings. Sanskrit, as a symbol of Buddhist culture, appeared onporcelain, not only adding cultural connotations to theporcelain, but also reflecting the prevalence of Buddhist culture and the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultures at that time. Has extremely high collection and research value.