A pair of glazed red phoenix flower vases made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty

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A pair of glazed red phoenix flower vases made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:A pair of glazed red phoenix flower vases made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty


Starting Price:610,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:28cm C:4.7cm D:14.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


该对托瓶以“凤求凰”为主题,寓意着美好的爱情和吉祥的祝福。其釉色鲜艳,纹饰精美,制作工艺复杂,展现了宣德时期釉里红porcelain制作的精湛技艺和独特的艺术风格。同时,作为宫廷御用porcelain,其制作和装饰都体现了当时皇家的审美趣味和工艺水平。The vase pair is themed around "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix", symbolizing beautiful love and auspicious blessings. Its glaze color is bright, the decoration is exquisite, and the production process is complex, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship and unique artistic style of producing underglaze redporcelain during the Xuande period. At the same time, as imperialporcelain, its production and decoration reflected the aesthetic taste and craftsmanship of the royal family at that time.