Enamel painted general jar

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Enamel painted general jar

Auction Information

Product:Enamel painted general jar


Starting Price:760,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:17cm B:8.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


珐琅彩将军罐通常造型浑厚,线条流畅,具有典型的清代官窑风格。这种罐子不仅仅是一件实用器皿,更是当时宫廷贵族生活中不可或缺的装饰品和艺术品。由于其制作工艺繁复,加之乾隆时期对porcelain生产的严格控制,这类珐琅彩porcelain的存世量极少,因此每一件都显得弥足珍贵。Enamel general pot is usually shaped vigorous, smooth lines, with a typical Qing Dynasty kiln style. This jar was not only a practical vessel, but also an indispensable ornament and work of art in the life of the court aristocracy at that time. Due to its complicated production process and the strict control ofporcelain production during the Qianlong period, very few of these enamelporcelain pieces exist, so each piece is precious.