During the Song Dynasty, the golden silk kiln transformed into tea cups

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During the Song Dynasty, the golden silk kiln transformed into tea cups

Auction Information

Product:During the Song Dynasty, the golden silk kiln transformed into tea cups


Starting Price:3,470,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:11cm H:6cm d:4.1cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


盏束口,深腹,下微收。通体施黑釉,在釉面密布青黄色条纹,形似兔毫,排列规整,丝缕分明,并有五彩宝光,釉面盈润光洁,迎光而视,宛若五色天虹,以兔毫、油滴,闻名于世,人尽惜之。此兔毫盏,釉面乌黑呈现出青丝般细纹,兔毫辉若锦鳞般云丝,自然耀目皆然,值得收藏!Zhan, bundle mouth, deep abdomen, slightly retracted below. The whole body is coated with black glaze, with green and yellow stripes densely arranged on the glaze surface, resembling rabbit hair, arranged neatly, with distinct threads and colorful radiance. The glaze surface is smooth and shiny, and when viewed in front of light, it looks like a rainbow of five colors. It is famous for its rabbit hair and oil droplets, and people cherish it. This rabbit hair cup has a black glaze that presents fine lines like green silk, and the rabbit hair shines like silk scales, naturally dazzling and worth collecting!