Tang Sancai Porcelain Crab

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Tang Sancai Porcelain Crab

Auction Information

Product:Tang Sancai Porcelain Crab


Starting Price:1,430,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:6.5cm L:22cm W:15cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此款仿生三彩螃蟹摆件,形象生动,神态自然,体形饱满,瓷质细腻,釉色温润,通体施仿生瓷釉,色调柔和,给人一种自然生动的感觉。古代螃蟹寓意“一甲”即科举殿试第一,同时也有“富甲天下”“纵横天下”的寓意,故历朝历代都有仿生瓷,这种别具一格的设计,不仅增加了摆件的趣味性,更体现了古代匠人的巧妙心思和精湛制瓷工艺!此摆件是一件集艺术价值、历史价值、文化价值于一体的珍贵陶瓷艺术品,同时也是一件值得传世和收藏的魂宝!This biomimetic tri colored crab ornament is vivid in image, with a natural expression, full body shape, delicateporcelain texture, warm glaze color, and is coated with biomimeticporcelain glaze throughout the body. The color tone is soft, giving people a natural and vivid feeling. The ancient crab symbolizes "one armor", which means being the first in the imperial examination, and also has the meaning of "being the richest in the world" and "dominating the world". Therefore, biomimeticporcelain has been used throughout the dynasties. This unique design not only increases the fun of ornaments, but also reflects the ingenious ideas and exquisiteporcelain craftsmanship of ancient craftsmen! This ornament is a precious ceramic artwork that combines artistic value, historical value, and cultural value. It is also a soul treasure worth passing down and collecting!