Zhang Songmao Xu Yafeng "Peony peach blossom" hold the moon bottle

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Zhang Songmao Xu Yafeng

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Songmao Xu Yafeng "Peony peach blossom" hold the moon bottle


Starting Price:1,200,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


该作品以牡丹为题材,延续了张松茂一贯的工笔画风,花开富贵一面所绘牡丹,画面构图饱满丰富,花叶错落有致,交相辉映,枝繁叶茂且劲健潇洒,熠熠生辉。牡丹着色姹紫红,姿容妙曼,花瓣重叠富有层次,俯仰有姿,显得雍容华贵,画面点缀有数只蝴蝶、翩翩飞舞穿插其中,似有花香迎面扑来,沁人心脾,一派欣欣向荣之场景尽显雅致高贵荣华之气。有极高的收藏价值。The theme of this work is peony, which continues Zhang Songmao's traditional meticulous brushwork style. The peony painted on the rich and prosperous side of the picture is full and rich in composition, and the flowers and leaves are scattered, each other, and the branches are luxuriant and vigorous and shining. Peony color beautiful purple, beautiful appearance, petals overlapping rich level, tilt has posture, appears graceful and luxurious, the picture embellished with several butterflies, dancing interspersed among them, seems to have the fragrance of flowers, glaring the heart, a thriving scene full of elegant noble and glorious gas. It has a very high collection value.