Yellow, Blue, and White Eight Wheel Precious Flower Pattern Moon Embracing Vase

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Yellow, Blue, and White Eight Wheel Precious Flower Pattern Moon Embracing Vase

Auction Information

Product:Yellow, Blue, and White Eight Wheel Precious Flower Pattern Moon Embracing Vase


Starting Price:427,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品黄地青花渲染层次丰富,黄釉肥润,胎质细腻,造型规整,画工精细,青花发色浓艳,纹样繁而不乱,硬朗的线条,取意自古浑朴造型,制作规整而未见变形,工艺难度很大,青花呈色艳丽,纹饰精美、描绘细致,构思巧妙,装饰手法奇巧别致,匠心独运,为宫廷御用陈设器,十分具有收藏价值,整器纹饰勾描精细,填青精准,不漫不溢,构图分布巧妙,设计者正是借助造型的变化为繁复的纹饰提供有效的过渡,每一部分均独立成图,彼此又相互呼应,从而达到纹饰虽然繁复致密,但整体构图层次清晰的效果,彰显了窑工娴熟的绘画技艺,形象简练,整体施彩艳丽,纹饰凸起,形象生动,瑰丽华彩,所饰纹饰线条流畅,釉上釉下色彩交相辉映,画笔熟练老到,充满了浓郁的生活气息。 This product has rich layers of yellow ground blue and white rendering, with rich and smooth yellow glaze, delicate texture, regular shape, and exquisite painting skills. The blue and white hair color is rich and bright, the patterns are complex but not chaotic, and the strong lines take the meaning of the simple and simple shape since ancient times. The production is neat but not deformed, and the craftsmanship is very difficult. The blue and white colors are bright and beautiful, the decorations are exquisite, the depiction is meticulous, the concept is clever, the decorative techniques are ingenious and unique, and it is a display tool for the imperial court. It has great collection value. The whole decoration is finely drawn, the filling is precise, not overflowing, and the composition distribution is clever. The designer uses the transformation of the shape to provide an effective transition to complex decorations. Each part is independent into a picture, and they echo each other. Although the decorative patterns are complex and dense, the overall composition is clear and layered, demonstrating the skilled painting skills of the kiln workers, with concise images, The overall painting is brightly colored, with raised patterns and vivid images. The decorative lines are smooth, and the colors on and off the glaze complement each other. The paintbrush is skilled and old, full of a strong sense of life.