Clear enamel treasure phase flower open light character story bowl pair

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Clear enamel treasure phase flower open light character story bowl pair

Auction Information

Product:Clear enamel treasure phase flower open light character story bowl pair


Starting Price:360,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:7.1cm C:15.3cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


圈口微撇、鼓腹、圈足。器身由宝石蓝地绘以珐琅花卉开窗粉彩人物故事纹。此藏品采用黄、绿、粉、蓝等各种颜色由宝石蓝地加以衬托显娇艳妩媚,栩栩如生,给人一种视觉享受。此藏品开光人物构图饱满,造型生动,具有生动故事叙述和场景再现,每一个细节人物楼台树木绘画精细丰美,布局考究、美轮美奂。 This collection: the mouth is slightly skimmed, the belly is bulging, and the feet are circled. The body is painted in sapphire blue with enamel flower window pastel character story pattern. This collection uses yellow, green, pink, blue and other colors set off by sapphire blue to show delicate and charming, lifelike, giving people a visual enjoyment. This collection opens the full composition of the characters, vivid shape, with vivid story narration and scene reproduction, every detail of the characters, buildings and trees painting fine and beautiful, elegant layout, beautiful.