Rouge Purple Ground Rolling Pink Translucent Carving Ruyi Flower Blessing and Longevity Double Full Pattern Rotating Heart Bottle

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Rouge Purple Ground Rolling Pink Translucent Carving Ruyi Flower Blessing and Longevity Double Full Pattern Rotating Heart Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Rouge Purple Ground Rolling Pink Translucent Carving Ruyi Flower Blessing and Longevity Double Full Pattern Rotating Heart Bottle


Starting Price:167,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:34cm C:12.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品其造型端庄,线条优美,予人无限清秀昳丽之感,粉彩色调秾艳丰富,着色技巧学自西洋画法,色调亮丽柔美,明暗效果鲜明,中西结合风韵,兼融并蓄,以画笔生动和布局精巧铸就其至高的艺术地位,成为瓷史之绝唱,甚具三维效果,直接在绘好的粉彩地上画成,看来更为逼真写实,颜色多样,淡绿柔和,其黛紫之艳,更是前所未见,艺匠受西方绘画技巧启发,彩料明丽凝腻,气息妍美清新,其品质精绝,惊艳古今,焕发彩瓷魅力之新姿采,胭脂紫地子形成鲜明对比,一明一暗,一亮一涩,彩料的熔融表现轻柔,可谓别具匠心,整体绘画技艺精湛,尤其颇见功力,富立体质感,各色均能完美呈色,细节刻画得当,品质已臻完善,工艺细节可谓成熟精美,绘工如此细腻之杰作,集艺匠水准之大成,充分彰显了艺术装饰丰富性的追寻。This product has a dignified shape and beautiful lines, giving people an infinite sense of elegance and beauty. The pink color tone is rich and vibrant, and the coloring technique is learned from Western painting methods. The color tone is bright and soft, the light and dark effects are distinct, and the combination of Chinese and Western styles is harmonious and integrated. With vivid brushes and exquisite layout, it has become a masterpiece in the history ofporcelain, with a three-dimensional effect. It is directly painted on the painted pink ground, which looks more realistic and realistic. The colors are diverse, the light green is soft, and the brilliance of the black and purple is unprecedented. The artist was inspired by Western painting techniques, and the colors are bright, mellow, and the atmosphere is beautiful and fresh. Its quality is exquisite, stunning both ancient and modern, and radiating. The new charm of coloredporcelain lies in the sharp contrast between rouge and purple ground, with one bright and one dark, one bright and one astringent. The melting of colored materials is gentle, which can be described as unique craftsmanship. The overall painting skills are exquisite, Especially remarkable for its skill, rich three-dimensional texture, and perfect color rendering in all colors. The details are well crafted, and the quality has reached perfection. The craftsmanship details can be described as mature and exquisite. Such a delicate masterpiece of painting combines the level of an artist and fully demonstrates the pursuit of richness in artistic decoration.