17th century Dehua white glazed cloth bag Buddha seated statue

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17th century Dehua white glazed cloth bag Buddha seated statue

Auction Information

Product:17th century Dehua white glazed cloth bag Buddha seated statue


Starting Price:360,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


德化白瓷,瓷质致密,透光度极好,釉面为纯白色,色泽光润明亮,乳白如脂,近光透视下,釉中隐现粉红或乳白色,故有“猪油白”、“象牙白”、“鹅绒白”、“中国白”之称,其陶瓷制作始于新石器时代,兴于唐宋,盛于明清。布袋佛是中国民间传说中唐末明州奉化(今浙江奉化)的一布袋和尚,常背以布袋入市,见物即乞,出无定语,随处寝卧,型似疯癫,他自称弥勒化身。布袋佛坐像端详、细腻,大气,值得收藏。Dehua whiteporcelain has a dense texture, excellent transparency, and a pure white glaze surface. Its color is smooth and bright, with a milky white like fat. Under low light perspective, pink or milky white is faintly visible in the glaze, hence it is known as "lard white", "ivory white", "goose down white", and "Chinese white". Its ceramic production began in the Neolithic Age, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Budai Buddha is a cloth bag monk from Fenghua, Mingzhou (now Fenghua, Zhejiang) at the end of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese folklore. He often entered the market with a cloth bag on his back, begged for anything he saw, and lay down everywhere without attribution. He looked like a madman and called himself the incarnation of Maitreya. The seated statue of the Budai Buddha is carefully examined, delicate, and grand, and is worth collecting.