Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Tianqiu Vase Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty

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Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Tianqiu Vase Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Tianqiu Vase Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:590,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:33cm C:6.2cm d:10.9cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此藏品长直颈,球形鼓腹,因圆球腹硕大,似从天上而降下来,故名“天球瓶”,器型端正典雅,釉面细腻厚润,整器满绘工艺,先用釉下青花工笔画勾勒细线条,描金口,口沿一圈如意云头纹,主题纹饰绘缠枝花卉纹,牡丹花、宝相花、缠枝莲、菊花,尽态极妍,下腹至底足仰莲瓣纹,以高温烧制出窑后,青花线内填釉上各种彩色,相互争奇斗艳,整器纹样雍容华贵,线条流畅花鲜叶绿,描绘细腻,填色准确,饱满,层次分明繁而不乱,枝叶缠绕生生不息,祝愿“多子多福”,“福寿绵长”,有“江山永固”,“千秋万代”,“盛世美好”之吉祥寓意。此器底铭“大清乾隆年制”六字篆书款,器型敦硕,端凝典雅工艺繁缛、制作难度极大。乾隆斗彩porcelain存世量极少,非常稀缺!此天球瓶代表着乾隆御用瓷工艺的最高水平!是一件集艺术价值、历史价值和收藏价值于一身之瑰宝! This vase has a straight neck and a spherical bulging belly. Due to the large belly of the round ball, it seems to have descended from the sky, hence the name "Tianqiu Vase". The shape of the vase is upright and elegant, with a delicate and thick glaze surface. The entire vase is fully painted with craftsmanship, first using underglaze blue and white gongbi to outline fine lines, depicting a golden mouth, and a circle of auspicious cloud head patterns along the mouth. The theme decoration depicts entwined flower patterns, peony flowers, Baoxiang flowers, entwined lotus flowers, and chrysanthemums, all of which are extremely beautiful. The lotus petal pattern is tilted from the lower abdomen to the bottom. After being fired at high temperature, various colors on the glaze are filled in the blue and white lines, competing with each other for brilliance. The overall pattern is elegant and luxurious, with smooth lines and fresh green flowers and leaves. The depiction is delicate and The color is accurate, full, and the layers are distinct yet not chaotic. The branches and leaves are intertwined and never cease to grow. Wishing for "many children and many blessings" and "long-lasting blessings", with auspicious meanings such as "eternal stability of the country", "thousand autumns and ten thousand generations", and "beautiful prosperity". The bottom of this vase is inscribed with the six character seal script "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty". The shape of the vase is sturdy and elegant, with intricate craftsmanship and great difficulty in production. The surviving quantity of Qianlong Doucaiporcelain is extremely rare and extremely scarce! This celestial vase represents the highest level ofporcelain craftsmanship used by Emperor Qianlong! It is a treasure that combines artistic value, historical value, and collectible value!