Sample of the silver coin with Sun Yat-sen's portrait on the back in the 25th year of the Republic of China

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Sample of the silver coin with Sun Yat-sen's portrait on the back in the 25th year of the Republic of China

Auction Information

Product:Sample of the silver coin with Sun Yat-sen's portrait on the back in the 25th year of the Republic of China


Starting Price:120,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:3.3cm T:0.2cm WT:14.53g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


民国二十五年孙中山像背布图壹圆银币样。旧金山造币厂。 齿边。73% 银,27% 铜。正面左侧为孙中山半身像,民国日期在上,外圈有回纹环绕。反面布币图案,面值横跨底板,在回纹外环之内。极为罕有,当时中国深受美国影响。迷人无瑕的无双品相。PCGS 仅评鑑过 7 枚,此枚为冠军分。璀璨夺目,明亮的钢灰色表面,糅合些许香槟橄榄色包浆。