Qi Dao 500/One Dao Ping 5000

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Qi Dao 500/One Dao Ping 5000

Auction Information

Product:Qi Dao 500/One Dao Ping 5000


Starting Price:486,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品阴文模铸,钱文俊美,铸造精良,钱文纤细,工艺讲究,coin版别较多,但钱文大体以悬针篆为主,文体有 精有粗,粗者文字平夷,制作较逊,精者轮廓斜削,笔划细挺以黄金错镂其文,故称金错刀,金错刀是中国古钱中唯一错金工艺制成的coin, 它造型奇特、存世稀少,被众多藏家誉为“钱绝”,历来被收藏者所珍爱,更受到文人雅士的青睐,制作精致,形态奇美,发行流通时间短, 现存世量非常少,故具有非常高的收藏价值,同时也是研究coin史的最好物证,用错金这一特殊工艺,赋予其刀币以华美的外表和防止私铸伪 造的功能,具有一定的历史价值。This product is cast in Yin script, with beautiful and exquisite Qian Wen, delicate Qian Wen, and exquisite craftsmanship. There are many types of coin editions, but the Qian Wen is mainly composed of hanging needle seal script, with styles ranging from fine to coarse. The coarse characters are flat and the production is relatively poor, while the fine ones have oblique contours and fine strokes engraved with gold. Therefore, it is called Jin Cuo Dao. Jin Cuo Dao is the only coin made with gold inlay craftsmanship in ancient Chinese coins. It has a unique shape and is rare in existence. It is praised by many collectors as the "treasure of money" and has always been cherished by collectors. It is also favored by literati and scholars. The production is exquisite, the form is beautiful, the circulation time is short, and the existing quantity is very small. Therefore, it has a very high value. Collecting value, it is also the best physical evidence for studying the history of coins. By using the special technique of mistaken gold, the knife coins are endowed with a beautiful appearance and the function of preventing private minting and forgery, Has a certain historical value.