White Jade Chihu Cup

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White Jade Chihu Cup

Auction Information

Product:White Jade Chihu Cup


Starting Price:337,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品其玉色润白、质地细腻温润,造型优美典雅,雕工妙到颠毫,清晰又不刻露,纹饰之美与材质本身之美交融合一,不仅玉质绝佳,且雕工简洁明快,整体线条显得挺拔硬朗,又不失清雅秀丽,造型古朴厚重,以上等美玉雕琢而成,玉料名贵,形制规整,磨工精湛,膛壁匀称,线条流畅,造型优雅,有上古之风,世不多见,展现了精彩绝伦的玉雕技艺,玉之润可消除浮躁之心,玉之色可愉悦烦闷之心,玉之纯可净化污浊之心,所以君子爱玉,希望在玉身上寻到天然之灵气,精工细琢,皇家气质彰显无遗。 The jade of this product is white in color, delicate and mild in texture, beautiful and elegant in shape, exquisite in craftsmanship, clear and not engraved. The beauty of the texture and the beauty of the material itself are combined. It is not only excellent in quality, but also simple and lively in craftsmanship. The overall line appears straight and hard, yet it is elegant and beautiful. The shape is simple and thick. It is carved from the above beautiful jade. The jade is precious, regular in shape, exquisite in grinding, symmetrical in the bore wall, smooth in line, elegant in shape, with the ancient style, rare in the world, showing a wonderful jade carving skill. The jade's moisture can eliminate the impetuosity. The color of jade can make you feel happy and bored, and the purity of jade can purify your dirty heart. Therefore, a gentleman Vegetarian gelatin, hoping to find the natural aura in jade. With exquisite craftsmanship, the royal temperament will be revealed.