Liu Zhiji's Nine Fish Picture

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Liu Zhiji's Nine Fish Picture

Auction Information

Product:Liu Zhiji's Nine Fish Picture


Starting Price:80,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


吉利九鱼图寓意吉祥:荔枝,立即富贵、立即有余;鲤鱼,鱼若蛟龙、环游聚财、时代延绵; 九和水,九为至尊、水为财。此为刘智大师代表作,收藏投资,更是潜力无限。Meaning auspicious: Litchi, immediately rich and noble, more than immediately; carp, fish if Dragon, tour gather wealth, time stretches; nine and water, nine for the supreme, water for wealth. This is master Liu Zhi masterpiece, collection of investment, but also unlimited potential.