Teng Dai dream auspicious prosperous

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Teng Dai dream auspicious prosperous

Auction Information

Product:Teng Dai dream auspicious prosperous


Starting Price:130,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


滕黛梦,姑苏才女,中国杰出的诗画家。她的画具有巨大的诱惑力,不但使人赏心悦目。妙趣横生,更有一种撩人心肺的艺术魅力,看了使人敬骇狂呼旷世奇才。在希腊神话中,孔雀象征赫拉女神。在中国和日本,孔雀被视为优美和才华的体现。对于佛教徒和印度教徒来说孔雀是神圣的,它们是神话中“凤凰”的化身。此作品蕴意非凡具有非常高的收藏价值。Teng Dai Meng, gusu talented woman, China's outstanding poetry painter. Her paintings have great allure, not only for the eye. Full of humor, there is a kind of titillating artistic charm, saw the people to respect the appalling and wild call the world prodigy. In Greek mythology, the peacock symbolizes the goddess Hera. In China and Japan, peacocks are seen as a symbol of beauty and talent. Peacocks are sacred to Buddhists and Hindus, and they are the embodiment of the mythical phoenix. This work yun meaning has very high collection value especially.