Bamboo and Stone

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Bamboo and Stone

Auction Information

Product:Bamboo and Stone


Starting Price:536,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:129.5cm W:63.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本图中先勾勒出石的状貌嶙峋,再辅以焦墨的皴擦,而画竹则以湿墨表现植物的水份和生机,浓淡对照富于层次,竹有凌云之志,竹叶简劲不带一点风中飘逸弯折之态,这都是为了衬托其坚固不移的气节,书法融入画法,画法参入书法,是板桥的特色,他的书法综合草隶篆楷四体,再加入兰竹笔意,写来大小不一,歪斜不整,自称“六分半书”。In this picture, the rugged appearance of the stone is first outlined, followed by the use of burnt ink to polish the texture. The painting of bamboo uses wet ink to express the moisture and vitality of plants, with rich layers of contrast in intensity. Bamboo has the ambition of soaring clouds, and the bamboo leaves are simple and without any graceful bending in the wind. All of this is to highlight its strong and unyielding spirit. Calligraphy is integrated into painting techniques, and painting techniques are incorporated into calligraphy, which is the characteristic of Banqiao. His calligraphy combines the four styles of cursive script, seal script, and regular script, and then adds the strokes of orchid and bamboo, writing in varying sizes and crooked shapes, calling himself a "six and a half book".